General FAQs

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Cloud service providers set their own policies and rules on the types of files they will accept, and DMB follows their rules.  Please refer to the website of each cloud service provider.

No, migrating data only goes through DMB and DMB does not store the data.  DMB stores only log data in the server.

DMB can use the standard protocols SMB, FTP(S), SFTP or WebDAV. We highly recommend you use SMB (with the default ports configuration) so the that servers where DMB is installed can mount the data servers folders as network drives in Windows. DMB can use the network drives as the source for the migration.

DMB uses the OneDrive REST API.  DMB does not use ActiveX or Windows Explorer's sync functions.

If you try to run a scheduled task while Windows is logged off, network drives will not get mounted, which will result in job error. Therefore you need to mount network drives via Task Scheduler or batch before you run DMB.

Please refer to [Resources] [Supplements to FAQ] page, PDF File 1, titled "RunTaskDuringLoggoff" as a batch sample.


To run a scheduled task while Windows is logged off, please refer to a PDF file titled "How to run scheduled task while logged off ".

Yes. Please use Excel's external data import function, and output the log file by using " tab-delimited " format.

By using the command line scheduling function, you can create a task log or date log.

Please login again and run the process again.
This happens when access token could not refresh due to network trouble.


Please login again and run the process again.
This often happens when an account in use for batch process is simultaneously used for other processes like synchronization. If a Box account is used for multiple processes simultaneously, access token loses consistency and results in log-off.

Please delete it from Windows Task Scheduler.

1. Please uset character code UTF-8 for batch. For example, if you place [ chcp 65001 ] command at the beginning of a batch, the batch will run UTF-8.
2. In DOS window, [ Property ], [ Default ], [ Font ], please select [ MS Gothic ].

Hash value comparison depends on a cloud server's specifications. If a cloud storage does not have the hash value, it cannot be compared.

400 error means "Bad Request", which Box server returns when there was a problem with a request from DMB. If this has happened, please re-process the transfer.

Please enclose the full file path with double quotes. (closing " is missing )

"C:\Program Files\Data Migration Box\DataMigrationForBoxCmd.exe" runsavedsync Test /password = "Set Password"

There are many possible factors. Please check the following.
[Folder name Restriction] If a folder name contains Non-UTF-8 characters, it cannot be uploaded to Box. Please make sure folder names do not contain Non-UTF-8 special characters such as \, /, ", <, >, Asterisk, *, etc.
[Other Restrictions] Exclusive control on folders might have caused an error. In this case, please re-try differential sync, so that sync-failed files only will be uploaded.
[Other Restrictions] Exclusive control on folders might have caused an error. In this case, please re-try differential sync, so that sync-failed files only will be uploaded.

Even when "too many Requests" message has appeared, DMB can continue data migration.
A possible reason for "Too many Requests" message is that the number of "concurrent uploads" may be exceeding 4 per Box Account. (Box limits the number of concurrent upland to 4 files / per second/account.) ?If you have set the concurrent upload number far beyond 4, please reset it to 4. If you have multiple Box accounts, please set to the number of the Box account times 4.

The 408 error is returned if a request was not completed within a certain time.
Time-out can also happen when on-premise or NAS server is not sending data to cloud.

DMB retires its upload up to the number of times specified in retry setting. If the retry exceeds the specified times, the upload is canceled and the error will be recorded in the log.

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