File & Data

Cloud service providers set their own policies and rules on the types of files they will accept, and DMB follows their rules.  Please refer to the website of each cloud service provider.

For Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 (1709 or later), DMB supports file path length exceeding 256 characters. For other O/Ss, full file path length needs to be less than 256 characters.

Box's version control is applied. Please refer to Box's version control specifications.

No, a file name cannot begin with a space. In a case of Box, a file whose name starts with a space may be synchronized once, but Box then deletes the space. In the next sync operation, it will become an error due to the inconsistency.

You will receive the error message: "File size exceed".
Box Business/Enterprise limits the maximum transferrable per-file size to "5GB", and you can't transfer a file whose size exceeds this limit.
* Depending on a contract with Box, the limit can be "15GB".

Box's "Generation Management" keeps it as old version. Please refer to Box specifications.

Shortcut files are transferred, but their linked destination files are not transferred.

Three types of filter are offered in the "Synchronization" window: Show variances only, show errors only, and show pending only.
You can view filtered files by clicking a check box of a filter of your choice.

No. When a file is uploaded to Box, "Last Updated By" becomes the person who uploaded the file and "Last Updated" time becomes the upload time.

Yes. If you select " *. * " in the filter and synchronize the parent folder of the source data, only directories will migrate to Box.

DMB supports differential synchronization between NAS and Box. If data is changed during the migration process from NAS to Box, such updates will be reflected in the next differential synchronization.

Yes, DMB shows a list of the files of specific folders stored in Box.

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