Data Migration & Sync Operations

If you try to run a scheduled task while Windows is logged off, network drives will not get mounted, which will result in job error. Therefore you need to mount network drives via Task Scheduler or batch before you run DMB.

Please refer to [Resources] [Supplements to FAQ] page, PDF File 1, titled "RunTaskDuringLoggoff" as a batch sample.


To run a scheduled task while Windows is logged off, please refer to a PDF file titled "How to run scheduled task while logged off ".

There is no limit on the number of files that DMB can transfer.

It varies by cloud storages, but primary protocol is HTTPS.

A Large number of small files do not take up network bandwidth, but a large file does. Therefore network bandwidth use depends on a size of files and the number of files.

Parallel uploads improve efficiency. Depending on systems environment (= network, the number of files, cloud storage, etc.) however, the performance improvement may not reach the parallel account multiple (e.g., 3 account parallel uploads may not become 3 times faster relative to single account uploads).

1. Please log-in a cloud storage using different user accounts.
2. Open GUI and perform synchronization with each user account. Alternatively you can run command line, batch or script with each user account.

You can configure upload bandwidth in "Configuration" window, "Limit upload speed". Upload volume cannot be directly controlled.

Yes. You can set the schedule from DMB's GUI. Alternatively, you can create a sync command batch file and set it to the Windows scheduler.

If you are transferring data from one cloud to another cloud, the data goes through a device in which DMB is installed.
If a file server is a NAS or Linux, DMB needs to be installed in a device to be used for data transfer.

It is hard to generalize the cause of slow transfer, because transfer rate is affected by network environment and hardware specs as well. That's said however, the inadequate compatibility between Windows 7 and the .NET framework often causes significant slow down. Please use DMB in the recommended environment.

Yes, it is possible.  Please disable (no check) the "Show hidden file" in the Settings window.

DMB checks contract types and file size, and hence such a change will be automatically applied.

If you are migrating using the "Copy to right" button on the DMB main UI, "Stop" and "resume" will resume the migration.

The migration / synchronization will skip such folders, which will be recorded in the log.

No. Sync configuration does not allow sync operations to exclude subfolders.

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